How It All Started…
I’m Elspeth, maker and designer at PapioCreek Crochet. I’m so happy you’re here! Like many crocheters, I learned to crochet (a bit) as a child. I could do it but wasn’t really that good and never had access to a hook or yarn.
In 2001, I met a wonderful new friend, Irene. She taught me how to read crochet patterns and ignited my love of crochet. Irene and I spent many afternoons sitting in lawn chairs in the front yard crocheting while waiting for our kids get off the school bus.
The next 17 years were spent crocheting projects when the urge struck and collecting yarn, lots and lots or yarn.
Turning My Hobby Into A Business…
I started PapioCreek Crochet in the Fall of 2018. I had spent an emotionally difficult year and crocheted everyday as a way to relieve stress. With an abundance hats, scarves and shawls, on a whim, I signed up for a local craft show to sell all my excess crochet items.
This was a huge step for introvert me. Putting myself out there has never been comfortable or easy, but I did it!
My set up looked like a rummage sale, but the quality of my crochet items was great. Customers at this craft show loved what I had to offer. I loved meeting and talking with people and connecting with other makers. I had a great time!

I was hooked and couldn’t wait to find more craft shows in 2019.
The idea of turning my crochet skills into a business started to tickle at my brain. I started thinking of craft show display designs, planning out products that my customers might like, and researching how to turn my hobby into a small business.
In 2019 I attended four Fall craft shows and one pop up at a local tea shop. I had a logo made and started learning all I could about handmade businesses.

After attending craft shows as a vendor for several years, I’ve decided to focus on pattern writing and hand dying yarn, so for now I have no plans to attend craft shows as a vendor.
Where It’s All Going…
Somewhere along the way, I decided I wanted to blog and design patterns. I hate writing. And I have always told myself that I could follow someone else’s pattern, but I am not creative enough to design my own. Turns out, I am still not comfortable writing (hopefully it gets better with practice) and I am creative enough to design my own patterns!
My hope for this blog is to add free patterns, do some tutorials, point you toward some great crochet resources and help you grow as a crocheter.
On A Personal Note…
After growing up in Europe and living all over the US, I moved to Papillion, Nebraska with my family. We love it here and really feel it’s home. This little town is everything one imagines a small Midwest town to be.
During the school year, I work as a Media Para for my local school district. I love being in the library and feel lucky to have two jobs I love.I am a wife to an incredibly supportive husband and Mom to 4 adult children and an active tween. We are balancing empty nest syndrome with we get to do this all over again syndrome.
I am The Person for Ziggy, the family Newfoundland Dog. He is never far from me when I’m home. He’s my constant, sleepy, slobbery companion.

Happy Making!